Terms & Conditions
All profits go directly towards the care provided.
1. New members will be sent a unique randomly selected draw number(s) created by approved secure computer software.
The office may reject an application at their discretion if they consider they have enough reason to do so. The applicant would have the right to appeal against such a decision by contacting the office.
Members must be over 16 and resident in Great Britain (excluding The Channel Islands and Isle of Man).
2. All subscriptions received at a minimum of £1 per week payable in advance will be entered into the weekly draw using the unique draw number. The draw will normally take place each Friday*.
Monthly subscriptions of £4.34 include 34p, which accumulates and funds the 13th week, which occurs every three months.
* We reserve the right, subject to holidays and unforeseen circumstances, to change the draw date without notice. If a draw is delayed, it will take place as soon as possible and before the next weekly draw.
3. The current weekly prize fund is £1500:
- 1st Prize: £1000
- 2nd Prize: £200* (*Rollover)
- 3rd Prize: £50
- 4th Prizes: £10 x 5
- 5th Prizes: £5 x 40.
4. ‘Rollover’ Prize – the £200 prize will be entered into a separate draw. As well as those members who are ‘in credit’, this draw will include members who have been in the draw in the past but whose entries have been cancelled or have lapsed, plus any void or unallocated entry numbers. If the prize is won by an entry which is in credit for that week, the prize will be paid. But if the winning number drawn is NOT in credit, then the prize will NOT be won, and the value will be carried forward to the following week. For each week the prize is not won, it will rollover until it is won. This procedure will continue up to 50 weeks, at which point the rollover prize becomes £10,000. For the draw that week only, the rollover draw will only be made amongst the members in credit for that week, thus guaranteeing that the prize is won.
5. Prize winners are notified by post within 1 week of the draw taking place, which will include the relevant cheque. Weekly winning numbers are published on our website. Unclaimed cheques will be kept for a minimum of 6 months; any cheques not cashed after this date will be treated as a donation.
6. Payment methods may be made calendar monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually by Direct Debit, Standing Order (existing payments only), cheque and via our website.
7. Full payment must be received either in the form of cash or cleared funds before the member’s unique number is entered into the draw.
8. Multiple entries - to encourage sensible gambling, the number of lottery numbers per regular player, per week, is limited to 20. If you wish to buy more than 20 regular entries, please contact us prior to your application.
9. We promise to comply with all Data Protection Act requirements and protect personal data - we NEVER sell details to any third parties, as well as storing securely bank information provided. It will be appreciated by members that we cannot accept liability for the loss or delays in or theft of any communication sent by post, email, or fax, or for any delays in the banking system.
10. Members may cancel their membership at any time by contacting the office. If the membership is in credit, the unique draw number will be entered into the appropriate number of draws until the credit expires, after which the membership will be cancelled. Any credit of less than £2 remaining after cancellation will be treated as a donation. For those members paying via standing orders, they must contact their bank to cancel the future payments.
11. It is the responsibility of the player to advise us of any change of address or any other membership details deemed necessary.
12. Deceased members – where a member is
reported to us as deceased,
and there is remaining lottery credit, the number will
continue to be entered into the
draw until the credit expires. Any winnings during this
period will be made payable to
the Executor. When there is no remaining credit, the
membership will be cancelled.
Alternatively, we will accept instructions from an
Executor or next of kin to:
Change the name on the membership
• Cancel and refund
any remaining credit
Cancel and donate any remaining credit.
13. An instruction to be self-excluded, (as defined in the Gambling Act 2005), from the draw or any one-off Prize Draws may be submitted in writing to the office or by using the Self Exclusion Form.docx which can be printed. Customers wishing to use this facility will not be able to re-join the lottery for a minimum of 6 months from the date of exclusion, and the date can be extended. No promotional material will be sent during this time and also afterward unless you request and agree to receiving this information.
14. The Gambling Act 2005 confirms that we have a statutory duty to verify that members and potential members are 16 or over, which is the minimum age allowed for anyone to join the lottery. It is an offence for anyone under the age of 16 years to participate in a lottery-type draw. We will, where appropriate, carry out checks to verify this requirement, if necessary, including seeking confirmation from relevant Agencies who can provide such information. Should a prize winner be found to be under the age of 16, the office will refund their entry money and withhold any prize awarded.
15. Membership is open to all staff, volunteers and their families.
16. We reserve the right to amend or modify these terms and conditions without notice.
17. There is a 1 in 400 chance of winning a prize in the lottery every week.